List of intervention episodes by drug
List of intervention episodes by drug

list of intervention episodes by drug

Some critics maintain it is a fault with the program but this basic model is still widely used. But there are newer strategies that can be used that might be more appropriate for a person.

list of intervention episodes by drug

Because it is a basic model it should only considered to be a starting point of your intervention knowledge base. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing depending on who you ask. The approach used on the show was developed by Dr. You will learn a basic model of intervention Just watching the emotional difficulty Addicts have is enough to nudge you to apply the concept of intervention in your own family. Addiction to food, sugar, and sex are just a few of the addictive behaviors people find themselves trapped in without a way out. Since the show’s primary focus is on drug and alcohol rehabilitation, it is easy to overlook the fact that there are many other kinds of addictions that need to be dealt with. The following list of 10 reasons will give you a starting point to deal with your own situation.


Many families try to deal with a person who has an addictive behavior but doesn’t know quite how to go about it. The show is important for a number of reasons - most of them practical.

list of intervention episodes by drug

It is a reality show with both tense and dramatic moments, and results in a wide variety of emotions from both the participants and the viewers. The second part is the meeting and confrontation by family members. The first is getting the audience acquainted with the addict and their specific attitudes based on specific questions. There are two primary storylines for the viewer. Intervention is a long-running show on A&E where families meet to directly confront a family member about a specific addiction usually drugs and alcohol although a number of other addictions are shown from time to time.

List of intervention episodes by drug